Credits & GTU
- Website name: Erysiphe alphitoides sequencing project
- Website URL:
INRAE est un établissement public à caractère scientifique et technologique
Il a son siège au 147, rue de l’université – 75338 Paris cedex 07.
Ses statuts sont publiés dans le code rural et de la pêche maritime (articles R831-1 et suivants)
Il est représenté par son Président Directeur général, M. Philippe MAUGUIN.
contact courriel :
contact téléphonique : 01 42 75 00 00
- Publication director: M. Philippe Mauguin
- Publication responsible: Dr. Cyril Dutech
- Web development and technical support: M. François Ehrenmann
- Server management:
- Photo credits for the home page: Picture library of INRAE
Data access can be public (by default under a cc-by 4.0 license) or limited to a consortium of partners that will receive from the Oak genome consortium a login and a password.Users are sole responsible for the searches they carry out, as well as for the interpretation and use they make of the results. The editor does not guarantee the quality and the completeness of the data on line nor that the web site it totally up to date. The information is not contractual and can be modified. The access to the web site can be interrupted at any moment and without prior warning in case of force majeure or if the editor decides to terminate its provision of service.
Users are informed that their use of the results should not infringe on current legislation or the recommendations of the French Data Protection Authority (CNIL) with respect to personal data.
Users are warned that the information must be used for strictly professional purposes only and downloading screen shots in order to constitute or enrich a database is contrary to French law and therefore forbidden, as is its use for commercial or advertising purposes (CNIL).
The web site might contain hyperlinks to external web sites. The editor does not take responsibility of the content of these web site.Provision of hyperlinks by third parties to pages or documents available on INRAE servers is authorized as long as the links are not contrary to the interests of INRAE and if the third party guarantees that it will be possible for the user to identify INRAE as the origin of the document in the event of deep linking, framing or insertion via links.
The editor might change the terms of use and user's rights without prior warning.Last update:January 28th, 2020